These great tasting protein bars are made using pea protein powder, chocolate, dried fruits, and almond milk.
- 1/4c Dried fruit and nuts (I used 4 brazil nuts and dried apple and kiwi)
- 1/4c Date paste or soaked and blended dates
- 1/4c NZProtein Vanilla Pea Protein
- 1/4c Almond milk
- 2-3 Squares of dark chocolate of choice
- 2T Coconut thread
- Roughly chop the chocolate, dried fruit and nuts into small pieces and place in a bowl.
- In a high-speed blender or food processor, blitz the dates, NZProtein Vanilla Pea Protein and almond milk together until smooth.
- Add the date mixture to the chopped fruit, chocolate and nuts.
- Add in the coconut and mix.
- Shape the mixture into bites (or bliss balls), top with a few extra chopped nuts and fruit and enjoy!